Pavel Dzygivsky

Apologia of Physical Meaning


Translated from Russian by S. Patterson

Paperback with flaps, 130×200 mm, 208 Pages.

ISBN 978-5-903445-60-8

(Книга также доступна на русском языке (см. здесь же на сайте)

The Russian original is also available from our site)

The author offers a solution to the problem of universal characteristic posed by G.W. Leibniz. The triune formula of proportion sets the Rule of physical sense for the creation of any universally valid scientific statements. The universal characteristic shows that the purpose of development of mathematical formalism of physics is the description of biological and social life of the person.

Pavel I. Dzygivsky (b. 1968), PhD, Senior researcher of the Presidential Library (St. Petersburg). He is the author of Game of Property. Foundations of Social Physics (2016) and On the Greatness of Man (2018). The field of his scientific interest is interdisciplinary studies, a search for common basis of philosophy, logic, mathematics and natural sciences.


Вес 370 г
Габариты 240 × 160 × 20 мм
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